Backup Your Music Collection to the Cloud for FREE

Many of us have spent countless hours backing up our CD collections to our computers. We think that our collections are safe, but then the hard drive crashes and *poof*--all that music and hard work are gone. Alternatively, what if you wanted an easy way to access all of that music wherever you are without having to haul all of those gigabytes (or in some instances terrabytes) of data around with you. What's the solution? Google Play Music. Google Play Music is a free service available to anyone with a Google account. Google Music allows you to upload up to 50,000 of your personal audio files to the cloud for free. Even better yet, you can then access that music from virtually any device, provided you have an Internet connection. You can stream the songs through a web browser on any computer and there are also dedicated Music apps for Android, iOS, Chromecast and a few others. I keep saying 'music', but in reality, you can store audio books too as long as they are in ...